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A Wry Eye – Hooray for Narrow Party Interests!

By February 27, 2018No Comments2 min read

Can we all please put things in perspective? Will all the moaners and whingers just keep quiet?

The bleating we’ve heard about the health service, the budget crisis in education, stalled infrastructure projects, and the general malaise affecting public services is enough to make a grown-up politician weep with frustration.

To be clear, all the people whining need to understand the importance of narrow party interests in the overall scheme of things!

The DUP and Sinn Féin have a perfectly clear need to look after their own party’s interests, and the rest can just wait until the negotiations resume and they can welcome something or another that someone can agree to.

We blame the FAKE NEWS media. Getting people’s hopes up, having callers rant about the Irish language, same-sex marriage and legacy issues. It all makes the two main parties nervous.

And, as for that leaked draft agreement. Where were the annexes? What did they contain, other than the coffee and biscuits bill for the talks?

What is certain is that the narrow party political interests are being well protected with the mutual huff going on – as the two parties continue to disagree on what was disagreed.

Or, is the reality that the DUP and Sinn Féin grass roots couldn’t understand some of the more complicated concepts arising out of the negotiations? Maybe the page in their dictionaries with the word ‘compromise’ is missing.

Whatever the reasons for the latest impasse, we can be sure party negotiators will be able to enjoy many more weeks of NIO coffee and rich tea biscuits in the satisfaction that they are protecting those delicate interests.

In the meantime, can we form an orderly system for weekly crises for the media to report on, as well as appointing an ombudsman or commissioner to set standards for those who wish to whinge about failing public services. Choose your number, choose your issue and pick your preferred media: #NIINCRISIS.