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Vision 2050 Conference Report

By December 23, 2019February 23rd, 20226,285 Comments1 min read

Chambré is delighted to share this report on our recent Policy Eye Northern Ireland conference, Vision 2050: Options for a New Northern Ireland Strategic Energy Framework. It succinctly summarises the presentations and discussions that took place in Titanic Belfast on Wednesday, 11 September.

There is widespread consensus that new technologies are changing our relationship with energy. Old barriers will need to be broken down – not just between government departments but across the silos of power, heat and transport and, indeed, across borders. And new relationships between consumers, generators, system operators, infrastructure providers and the regulator are now taking shape.

Hopefully, our report will help inform the work of Richard Rodgers and his team at the NI Department for the Economy, as they work towards a fresh vision for our energy future.

To access the report, click on the link below.

Vision 2050 Conference Report